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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Bonnie Hall
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Heather uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 8, 2023

Hey ma,You know how much Faith hated to take pictures.Yesterday I asked her to smile for you, that her and I needed to send you a picture of us.A picture where we both were happy and smiling.This is the result her beautiful smile.I had to show this to u .Her smile was for you grams.Grams is what she called you.It was ber special way Faith won't get to grow up and ask you for advice on how to get away with things,or if she's mad at me go to your house.She loves you so much ma.I was crying saying that I never got to say goodbye to you.She says mom just talk to her she's in heaven she can hear you say goodbye.That moment showed me that I had done something right in my life that you had taught me to talk to dad then I had taught her that if anything ever happened to me.she could always talk to me in heaven.she remembered that then reminded me. I feel lost some days.I always knew u were there if I needed you,now ur gone and I am broken.U always made sure we ate and taught u right from wrong.It really sucks losing both my dad and mom.I will always talk to you.I will never forget u .Rest now dear Mother feel no more pain.
Debra Mckinney posted a condolence
Saturday, May 6, 2023
I've got fond memories of our times together when the kids were really young. Bonnie and barb and me always had a good time on a Friday's. Then years later we became sisters in law and I gained another sister. You were always full of joy and I loved you Bonnie. Rest in peace dear sis. Ozzy misses you and loves you very much.
Melissa posted a symbolic gesture
Saturday, May 6, 2023

Bonnie, another cuz who passed away too soon. I wished we had kept in touch over the years but when u have a family and move away we tend to get way too busy to keep in touch and I know we didn’t intend on that happening but it did. To that I’m sorry. I miss you Bonnie, I miss your smile and laughter and you know how to make ppl laugh with ur humor. Thanks again for coming to my 50th Birthday Party!! I will always miss you cuz, say hello to Melinda for me. Melissa Reals
Sherry Stinglin posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, May 5, 2023

Dear aunt Bonnie,
I don't know if I'm supposed to write a letter to you but I thought this was the closest way to say to goodbye. After aunt Lou passed away you were always the aunt I would call and vent to about Cron (everyone knew how much you didn't like him Cron even knew how much I didn't like him lol u would always tell him you would punch him.)By the time we would hang up the phone I was laughing and in a better mood. I wish I would of known that weekend would have been the last time I would have seen you because I would have made sure I hung out and watched videos with you and everyone. I miss you , I love you and you will never be forgotten. Give my daddy and Aunt Lou a hug for me. Rest in heaven.
Love always,
Your neice ~ sher bear
Sherry Stinglin posted a condolence
Friday, May 5, 2023
Aunt Bonnie,
We were asked about memories of you.So after sitting and thinking these are a few that stand out the most. I will never forget the one Easter Sunday you taught CJ how to play basketball (I still have the video) you was so proud of him. CJ loved when aunt Bonnie was around because you would let him have whatever snacks or whatever he wanted. You would always say "leave that boy alone, he's not hurting anybody" . That was the same weekend that my mommy, you and Graddy spent the night at Beck's. We had a good night, we laughed all night long and then when it's time for bed you and graddy decided it was time to drive motorcycles. We couldn't figure out who's engine was the loudest. We teased you two the next morning and of course you said "sher bear that wasn't me, you must dreaming about riding motorcycles".
I'll never forget the time you had the green/blue car and me and CJ rode with you to take carol lee home (and well u know) but I remember you telling CJ don't tell Uncle Mike lol and he never did. There more memories and had to be there times. I'll always carry the memories close in my heart.
We're over here laughing telling these stories about you as everyone is writing them.
I Miss and love you forever Aunt Bonnie.
Love your niece
sher bear
Victoria Taylor posted a condolence
Friday, May 5, 2023
I can remember when me , ozzy and Bonnie would stay the weekend with granny. When we would walk to the store we always walked beside the railroad tracks. One day Bonnie and ozzy decided they would jump on the Train and go for a ride. Not me I would always walk beside the train because I was scared I would fall. Every time the train got near the store the would jump off. They never got caught.
Granny would call the store we always went to and asked what we bought. Bonnie would buy cigarettes and when granny asked Bonnie would say no they were Dave's cigarettes. (He was Bonnie best friend)
I going to miss you very much sissy! I love you with all my heart. I'm going to miss all our fun times. I'm upset Lou left me and now you left me, all I have left now is my brother. Until I see you again you will always be in my heart Bonnie Sue Easter egg.
Love your sissy
Rebecca Draper posted a condolence
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Sorry if this is long. But I remember the time that me sherry desi my mom and the kids went to visit and stay with aunt Bonnie for the weekend in New Jersey. It was a fun and unforgettable weekend. Aunt Bonnie had a little incident at domino’s and then the next day it was time to go home. Aunt Bonnie takes me and sherry to go visit harry n Liz. As we’re backing out of the drive way a car blows its horn and then aunt Bonnie keeps backing up and we hear a thump. Me and sherry look at each other and wondering what aunt Bonnie ran over. It turned out to be Harry’s mailbox. I’ll never forget when aunt bonnie stuck her head out the window and waved and said “I’ll buy you a new one” and backed out and left. Shew we was so ready to get to the ferry that day. We always joked about it ever since.
And I Can’t forget being a kid and all of us kids dancing to the “locomotion” song.
RIP aunt Bonnie Love you
Michelle Murphy posted a condolence
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Bonnie was one of the nicest people I had the pleasure of knowing. She was always very kind and always willing to help others. Rest easy Bonnie you will be missed.
Rebecca Draper posted a condolence
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Aunt Bon Bon,
I still can’t believe your gone. If I knew that weekend was the last time I would have seen you I would have gave u a tighter hug. I just wanted to say that we didn’t have that close Neice/Aunt relationship when I was younger but I’m glad that as we got older we had a closer relationship. After Auntie Lou passed away there would be little things you would do and it always reminded me of her.
I sure am going to miss playing phone tag with you. (You never did come get that gift haha). You were definitely a one of a kind aunt. You were always a jokester, you always knew how to make a quiet room loud. You were a sweet ,and caring aunt. Oh yea I will make sure I keep calling summer lee “Shirley Temple” . I’m going to miss you. You will never be forgotten. I Love you aunt Bonnie. Until we meet again…
Love Always,
Your neice
Becca Lynn
P.s. tell auntie lou & John John hey for me. I’m sure you guys are having a ball together.
Donna Alexander posted a condolence
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Rest in peace. We had some great times. I loved you like a sister.
Heather Tittle uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 1, 2023

I wish I had spent more time with you...
Heather lit a candle
Monday, May 1, 2023

Mama, I'm trying to keep it together.I feel like I will never be the same.I am trying to honor your life. It seems the more I try to take care of everything the more people I hurt.Im barley holding it together.Please help me know which way to go. I'm not perfect,no one is .I wanted you to know that I love u so much.please help me . GUIDE me.I want you to know how much I do love you.One day we will see each other again.I love you ma
Heather uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 1, 2023

From what I understand this is the last photo with all the sisters and mom mom together.They all look happy they were celebrating a new addition to the family ,at Sherry Breedings baby shower.Tragically ,we no longer have our Aunt Melinda Lou,or my mama Bonnie Sue.But we love them and will never forget them.They are in heaven having a drink, a smoke and watching over their children and Family .RIP. We all love u to the moon and back..
Sherry Stinglin posted a condolence
Monday, May 1, 2023
Aunt Bonnie I love you and miss you so much
Debra Mckinney posted a condolence
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Dear sis in law, Rip dear Lady. I will always remember the Good times and love we shared . Much love forever.
Heather posted a condolence
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Mom, Happy Birthday.I can't believe your not here anymore. I want you to know the outpour of love u have received from family and friends .I'm sorry ur not here to celebrate.I love u so much.Im sorry for not always being there.Rest easy mama .I love you.Happy Birthday .Love you RIP.
Heather Tittle lit a candle
Friday, April 28, 2023

Hey Mama, everyday the sadness doesn't get to be less, missing u is never going away,However I'm learning how to live with the sadness, management is key to getting better every day.I lov u .Rip mom
Heather Tittle uploaded photo(s)
Friday, April 28, 2023

Ok I have no background to this photo,but damn my mother was looking amazing in her new prescription glasses.Lov u mom
Heather Tittle lit a candle
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Today I spoke to my grandmother,for the second time in over 11 years.It felt good,but My mom had to pass to show me just how short and precious time ret is.I was 24 hours late talking to my mom before e passed .I will not ever let that happen again to any of my live one.Love u to the moon and back.
Heather Tittle uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Heather Tittle posted a condolence
Thursday, April 27, 2023
So after some debate in my mind. I made the decision to add this comment with this picture.My mom had my brother Mike for 4 years before I came along.She loved /loves him more than anyone.This picture from left to right is, Michael Paul Emory Jr. ,Christian Emory , Michael Paul Emory Sr.(my big brother) ,and lastly but not least the beautiful lil gal Savannah Emory. My brother can't post himself .But if he could he would probably say rest easy now mom,I love u ,I find solace that you are no longer in any pain. Like me my brother and I both missed to many years we could have spent with our mom.Each for different reasons.But everyone should know we love her.She was a protective mother.A caring mom.And we will miss her voice .And being able to speak to her about anything. She didn't judge ..Till we meet again Rest now Mom .Lots of Love From Ur Loving children .No more time will be wasted ..We know that is all you ever wanted , love you too the moon and back.
Heather Tittle lit a candle
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

So for those of u who don't know my mother was a spit fire.Keeping with telling memories.I have one to share .For those who knew me as a child you know I had long fine beautiful blonde hair.when I went to sixth grade.I begged to cut it style it, use hairspray and straighteners ECT.The last morning I complained to my mother was the day she shoved me out our front door crying .gave me my hairbrush and backpack. told me she loved me , I was beautiful the way I was and the bus was coming
.Lastly she locked the door. Standing there daring me not to go down the lane to catch my bus.I knew by her look.. she was done and I was to deal with this and go to school.I hated her all day .When I got home that afternoon she told me she loved me and she was sorry,but apparently she has passed the stubborn onto me.Her lesson was. I was beautiful just being me. Oh and knew from then she would do what needs to be done to get my ass to the bus on time.Funny thing now I make sure my little girl has the same values.Love u for you.ur pretty without all the extra.I never cried about my hair again.Man she was tough,but she did the right thing and taught me ,her little girl to love herself .I know she will be laughing at me while I'm writing this and shes in heaven telling Aunt Lou Yup I sure did push her ass out.She was going to miss the damn bus again..Mom knew when to be tough and knew I was sensitive too.She always knew what to do when I was crying.She love My brother Mike and me with her every fiber.Thanks for being there mom.Rest in peace ma.you are loved ,cherished and will always be remembered.Love u to the moon and back Mom..
Heather Tittle posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Today I remembered you taught me to stand up for myself,admit when I was wrong and learn from my mistakes.You would say Heather your only human.I remember u saying that you loved My brother Mike and me no matter what we did,you are loved and I remember the values You taught my brother Mike and me both .I'm sorry for all the Lost time I can't ever get back.But you were and are a amazing strong loving mother who made mistakes of your own.But I never stopped loving u after those mistakes.Rest easy Ma,Love you too the moon and back.
Heather Tittle lit a candle
Monday, April 24, 2023

Hey ma, I thought it would be easier to sleep by now.but nope.still thinking how many things I should have done differently.How many things I never said to you.I love u mom . I'm glad you are at peace.Say hi to dad and aunt Lou for me.Love u to the moon and back was ur favorite thing to say to me.So I love U to the moon and back mom.Rest in Peace...
Heather Tittle lit a candle
Saturday, April 22, 2023

A Memorial Tree was planted for Bonnie Hall
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Ingersoll-Greenwood Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Bonnie Emory Hall uploaded a photo
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

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